Mental Health
General Practice plays a central role in the provision of mental health care in Australia. Did you know that people talk to their GP about mental health more than any other issue? The doctors at Bellingen Healing Centre Practice are trained and experienced in managing a wide range of mental health conditions such as depression, anxiety, grief, carer stress and childhood behavioural difficulties.
This may be in the form of counselling, medications and/or referral to other mental health care professionals such as psychologists or psychiatrists.
Your doctor may deem you eligible to have a Mental Health Care Plan, which is a Medicare initiative that enables patients to receive a Medicare rebate to access psychological services. During this appointment your doctor will take a history, do a physical examination and order tests where necessary, and complete a psychological assessment to aide in diagnosis and ongoing management. Long appointments are available to ensure you are not rushed, and feel comfortable and supported throughout the process.
Assessment and treatment of mental illness is informed by a holistic, whole-of-person approach. Physical and mental health are inextricably linked, and as such your GP is your ideal first point of call for any concerns regarding your mood or mental health.
We use the Telephone Interpreter Service 1300 131 450 when required. We can organise an “over the phone” service or with 48 hours notice an “on-site” service.
We can arrange interpreters through NABS, National Auslan Inter-preter Service for our deaf patients.