CCPC Model
What is The Comprehensive Chronic and Preventative Care (CCPC) Model?
Comprehensive Chronic and Preventative Care (CCPC) Model Preventative Care focuses on optimising your health to prevent future health problems before they happen.
“Improving Health and Wellbeing for Rural Australians”
keep an eye out for this new model coming soon to Old Bar Medical Centre
What is the current mainstream approach to health management?
We tend to only visit the doctor when there is a new symptom or problem e.g. a cough or prescription required. This is akin to taking a car to the mechanics only when it’s making an unusual noise.
If you take your car to the mechanic for an unusual noise, they will examine the car, diagnose a problem, and fix it. The mechanic does not complete a full service at the same time though, it is understood that this occurs separately.
When patients only see their doctor when issues arise, the doctor may be able to briefly check for other emerging health problems, however this is not the same as having a standardised health management schedule to ensure health and wellbeing is optimised and preventable issues are proactively identified prior to developing.
What is the problem with the current approach?
The issue with this model of care is that the focus is on managing health issues when they arise, rather than catching and managing them early (chronic care) or ideally preventing them from occurring (preventative care). As a result, opportunities to maximise health and wellbeing are often missed.
Is there a better way to manage your health?
We believe every person should have the option of receiving optimal healthcare. This should include acute care, as well as Comprehensive Chronic and Preventative Care.
We believe this optimal level of healthcare should be equitable, accessible and affordable for all, regardless of where in Australia you choose to live.
It is with this vision in mind that we have developed our unique Comprehensive Chronic and Preventive Care (CCPC) Model.
Key elements of the Health 4 Community model
- Patient registers with their Health4Community practice (if not already registered).
- Patient nominates their ‘usual’ doctor – each patient would be allocated to a specific doctor of their choice (subject to doctor availability and capacity).
- Patient nominates their ‘usual’ doctor who provides all chronic and preventative care needs under the CCPC model framework.
- Patient has the option to see any available doctor for urgent appointments, if their usual doctor is not available or if a second opinion is requested.
- Patient can request a formal transfer of care to another ‘usual’ doctor at any time if desired.
- Individual CCPC review schedule developed as part of enrolment process, which would be valid for 1-5 years and supported by regular reviews agreed individually by patient and doctor.
- To remain enrolled in the CCPC model of care, patients must not miss more than 1 CCPC review appointment. If this occurs, you may be subject to being unenrolled from the programme.
CCPC Enrolment Patient Journey
What You Can Expect From Us
- Enhanced level of clinical care to maximise your health and wellbeing
- Access to all available primary care preventative health screenings and interventions
- A consistent healthcare team member(s) providing both urgent and routine healthcare needs
- Respectful and dignified treatment from everyone you come into contact within our practices
- We will not dictate what you should or shouldn’t do
- We will provide meaningful health education to empower you to make informed decisions about your individual healthcare journey
In Turn, What We Will Expect From You
- Attendance at all agreed intake and review appointments
- Proactively engage in your own healthcare, including all activities you have agreed to with your treating team
- Treat all staff at our practices with respect and dignity at all times
- Provide constructive feedback if you have any suggestions for service improvements